1879: Kill The...
1879: The first Indian boarding school opens in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, becoming the model for 26 similar schools with the stated rationale to “kill the Indian and save the man.” More than 100,000 Native children are forced into various state schools.
Actions for Self-Determination:
Actions for Self-Determination:
- 1966: Rough Rock Demonstration School, known as Dine Bi'olta' or "The People's School," becomes the first community-controlled Indian school. The school focuses on Navajo bilingual education and the employment and leadership of local community members.
- 1979: Akwesasne Freedom School is formed to revive the traditional Rotinoshón:ni culture and language. The school is founded around the daily Thanksgiving Address read in the Cayuga language.
- 1992: Breath of Life program at UC Berkeley is created to revive dormant indigenous languages.
- 2005: The Boarding School Healing Project forms to heal, educate and document the boarding school history and demand compensation from the U.S. government.
- In what ways has your time in school forced you to give up parts of your culture? What parts of culture has it given you?
- Imagine you are not allowed to speak your birth language in school. What is your day like?
- Where (home, friends, media, school, etc.) have you learned who you are culturally? How do these help you or hinder as you go through your life?
- Reflect on the things that your parents have struggled with. How have these affected your life?
- Testimony from boarding school survivor [Video] *Note: You must click 'Remove this header' in order to view this link.
- Media Indígena—focus on interactive Indigenous media [Website]
- The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian [Book]
- Disparate School Discipline in public schools [Article and Charts]
- White Bison Wellbriety Institute—cultural based healing for Native Americans [Website and Organization]
- Of Water and the Spirit—book about the impact of a French Jesuit boarding school on one person in Burkina Faso and his continued healing efforts surrounding it [Book]
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